Chaofan Lin (in Chinese: 林超凡)

I'm an incoming Ph.D. student in Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University advised by Prof. Mingyu Gao in 2024 Fall.

Previously I received my my B.Eng. in Computer Science from ACM Honors Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, advised by Prof. Yong Yu. During my undergraduate years, I had a wonderful time working with Yuqing Yang @ System Group of Microsoft Research Asia, focusing on LLM serving; and Tianqi Chen @ Apache TVM community, doing research on Deep Learning Compilers. Please check out my CV if interested.

I go by `SiriusNEO` on most websites. And I usually use `Chaos` as a variant of my real name. [Email] / [Github] / [Zhihu].


My research interest mainly lies in computer systems and architecture, specially in optimizing machine learning (MLSys) and other data intensive applications. I believe there is no silver bullet in designing and architecting. However, I will try my best to narrow the gap between theory and practice, hoping that one day everyone can appreciate and benefit from great algorithms/systems.

You can check my [Publications] / [Projects] for details.



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